From the Principal's desk
Dear Parents,
School is such an important part of a child’s life that invariably all youngsters face some problems in the course of the many years they spend here. Therefore parents and teachers must stay in close communication with each other.
Problems that have their origin in school may show up only at home e.g. A youngster who operates under tension all day at school may seem an earnest, conscientious child to his teacher. The parents may be the only ones to see the outbursts which reflect the strain the child is facing. Similarly a youngster may appear to his parents to be working smoothly. The teacher seeing him in a different setting and in comparison with other children of his own age, may be the one who first becomes aware that a problem exists. These two sets of responsible adults -parents and teachers must have some means of sharing their insight. Only in this way problems can be sorted, before they become too severe.
When parents and teachers begin to talk together and pool what information they may have, they usually can uncover the difficulty and make some plans that enables the child to identify his problem, cope with it and possibly solve it. The child can easily give up, if the adults feel that the problem is over whelming .The steady conviction that a solution will be found and that the life can go on is often one of the most helpful ways of building the self confidence and a feeling of security in a child.
Madhu Srivastava